Summer 2021 Results
Best Feature Winner: My Cherry Pie Winner: Snuff Tapes Nominee: Dashboard Dogs Nominee: The Andy Baker Tape Nominee: Ascension Chronicles Best Short Winner: Vodi Winner: Drip Winner: Lisa Winner: Jumpcut Winner: Lullaby Winner: Familiar Winner: YAHRZEIT Nominee: Iguana Death in the American Suburbs Nominee: The Shoes of Lady Lescaire Nominee: Andrew Ginger/Likes Dogs Nominee: The Hand That Feeds You Nominee: THE HOUSE THAT BLEEDS Nominee: Woman of Your Dreams Nominee: The Witch's Bargain Nominee: Into the Darkness Nominee: He Comes at Night Nominee: Dying to Skate Nominee: I'M DOWN HERE Nominee: Villa Massacre Nominee: X-Mas on Fire Nominee: The Candidate Nominee: FEVER DREAM Nominee: Safe Inside Nominee: The Butcher Nominee: Dead Tired Nominee: Wild House Nominee: Transferal Nominee: Abducted Nominee: Break in Nominee: Little z Nominee: Horizon Nominee: Gungfly Nominee: Display Nominee: BLUNDA Nominee: Athame Nominee: Room Nominee: Twin Nominee: Izzy Nominee: Pill Best Documentary Short Winner: The death of a taxi driver Nominee: The legendary comet in Prophecies Nominee: Messages from another time Best Animated Short Winner: Family Splatters - Pilot Nominee: Case #3809 - The Eldritch Mortician Best Web Series Winner: Motel Nominee: Smile: The Series Most Realistic Winner: Villa Massacre Best Horror Host Winner: The Witch's Bargain |
Best Actor Winner: KillerKravings (Xavier D. Elliton) Winner: Smile: The Series (Dean Reid) Winner: Jumpcut (Gianluca Vesce) Winner: Vodi (Chase Mullins) Winner: Horizon (Carlo Porru) Nominee: Room (River Owsley Brown) Nominee: The Andy Baker Tape (Bret Lada) Nominee: What The Devil Said (Warren Franks) Nominee: Dashboard Dogs (Nigel Agyekumhene) Nominee: Alone + Together (Jimmy Womack) Nominee: YAHRZEIT (Jonathon Pawlowski) Nominee: The Butcher (Obadiah Freeman) Nominee: Venandi (Pallós Botond) Nominee: Display (Steven Ciceron) Nominee: The stories of three Su Scholars (James Chen) Nominee: The coming missile crisis in Chinese prophecy Tui Bei Tu (Peter Hawping Hsui) Best Actress Winner: BLUNDA (Inès Cherif) Winner: Her Own End (Sophia Johnson) Winner: Into the Darkness (Tracy Camp) Winner: The Witch's Bargain (Sarah Webb) Winner: The Shoes of Lady Lescaire (Leonore Franckenstein) Nominee: Drip (Elle Harris) Nominee: Lisa (Ava Acres) Nominee: 40uR (Erica Curry) Nominee: Athame (Sofia Fytianou) Nominee: Lullaby (Beatriz Frazão) Nominee: The Butcher (Sera Barbieri) Nominee: Hair Eater (Christine Young) Nominee: Party Crasher (Sarah Montgomery) Nominee: Don't Be Afraid (Alison Kohlhardt) Nominee: Smile: The Series (Cameron Scurrah) Nominee: Ascension Chronicles (Francesca Louise White) Nominee: Iguana Death in the American Suburbs (Reiley Behrns) Best Editing Winner: Athame Winner: BLUNDA Winner: Jumpcut Winner: DIEABOLICAL Winner: What The Devil Said Winner: Ascension Chronicles Winner: The Hand That Feeds You Winner: Andrew Ginger/Likes Dogs Winner: Remi Wonders - The interns Nominee: The coming missile crisis in Chinese prophecy Tui Bei Tu Nominee: Walking Monk's prediction of Iron Birds Nominee: Iguana Death in the American Suburbs Nominee: Remi Wonder - Energy Vs Covid 19 Nominee: Have You Checked The Children? Nominee: The death of a taxi driver Nominee: THE HOUSE THAT BLEEDS Nominee: A never ending battle Nominee: The Andy Baker Tape Nominee: Smile: The Series Nominee: Sleeping Lemons Nominee: KillerKravings Nominee: Dying to Skate Nominee: My Cherry Pie Nominee: Snuff Tapes Nominee: Safe Inside Nominee: Wild House Nominee: Familiar Nominee: Venandi Nominee: Motel Nominee: Vodi Nominee: 3 |
Best Director Winner: Vodi Winner: Jumpcut Winner: The Butcher Winner: I'M DOWN HERE Winner: Dying to Skate Winner: He Comes at Night Winner: Iguana Death in the American Suburbs Nominee: The coming missile crisis in Chinese prophecy Tui Bei Tu Nominee: Case #3809 - The Eldritch Mortician Nominee: The legendary comet in Prophecies Nominee: Remi Wonder - Energy Vs Covid 19 Nominee: Have You Checked The Children? Nominee: The death of a taxi driver Nominee: Remi Wonders - The interns Nominee: Family Splatters - Pilot Nominee: The Hand That Feeds You Nominee: THE HOUSE THAT BLEEDS Nominee: Ascension Chronicles Nominee: What The Devil Said Nominee: The Andy Baker Tape Nominee: Smile: The Series Nominee: Into the Darkness Nominee: Alone + Together Nominee: The Clown Statue Nominee: Don't Be Afraid Nominee: KillerKravings Nominee: PSYCHO/LOGICAL Nominee: Party Crasher Nominee: X-Mas on Fire Nominee: DIEABOLICAL Nominee: Wild House Nominee: Dead Tired Nominee: YAHRZEIT Nominee: Familiar Nominee: Venandi Nominee: Display Nominee: Lullaby Nominee: Horizon Nominee: BLUNDA Nominee: Drip Nominee: Lisa Best Cinematography Winner: Room Winner: Jumpcut Winner: Familiar Winner: Safe Inside Winner: X-Mas on Fire Winner: I'M DOWN HERE Winner: Iguana Death in the American Suburbs Nominee: Woman of Your Dreams Nominee: What The Devil Said Nominee: He Comes at Night Nominee: Smile: The Series Nominee: The Butcher Nominee: YAHRZEIT Nominee: Venandi Nominee: Lullaby Nominee: Display Nominee: Horizon Nominee: BLUNDA Nominee: Motel Nominee: Drip Nominee: Lisa Nominee: Vodi |
Best Sound Winner: Drip Winner: Display Winner: YAHRZEIT Winner: Safe Inside Winner: The Candidate Winner: The Witch's Bargain Nominee: Iguana Death in the American Suburbs Nominee: Death on Halloween Night Nominee: The Hand That Feeds You Nominee: Andrew Ginger/Likes Dogs Nominee: THE HOUSE THAT BLEEDS Nominee: He Comes at Night Nominee: I'M DOWN HERE Nominee: X-Mas on Fire Nominee: Her Own End Nominee: Familiar Nominee: BLUNDA Nominee: Room Nominee: Lisa Best Music Winner: Lisa Winner: Horizon Winner: My Cherry Pie Winner: I'M DOWN HERE Winner: Don't Be Afraid Winner: Sleeping Lemons Winner: Smile: The Series Nominee: The love story of Shi Su - Everlasting Nominee: Iguana Death in the American Suburbs Nominee: The Hand That Feeds You Nominee: Andrew Ginger/Likes Dogs Nominee: THE HOUSE THAT BLEEDS Nominee: Three Black Ribbons Nominee: The Witch's Bargain Nominee: Grandmas & Ladybugs Nominee: He Comes at Night Nominee: The Clown Statue Nominee: X-Mas on Fire Nominee: Swamp Critter Nominee: Wings On Fire Nominee: Dying to Skate Nominee: DIEABOLICAL Nominee: The Butcher Nominee: Safe Inside Nominee: Wild House Nominee: Little z Nominee: YAHRZEIT Nominee: Familiar Nominee: Jumpcut Nominee: BLUNDA Nominee: Room Nominee: Twin Nominee: 3 Best Special Effects Winner: Lullaby Winner: Dead Tired Winner: X-Mas on Fire Winner: He Comes at Night Winner: THE HOUSE THAT BLEEDS Nominee: Woman of Your Dreams Nominee: The Witch's Bargain Nominee: Into the Darkness Nominee: The Lord's Ladies Nominee: KillerKravings Nominee: My Cherry Pie Nominee: Party Crasher Nominee: Transferal Nominee: Familiar Nominee: Abducted Nominee: BLUNDA Nominee: Vodi Nominee: Room Nominee: Drip Nominee: Pill Nominee: 3 |
Best Original Concept Winner: Room Winner: Izzy Winner: Wild House Winner: The Witch's Bargain Winner: THE HOUSE THAT BLEEDS Winner: The Hand That Feeds You Winner: Iguana Death in the American Suburbs Nominee: The love story of Shi Su - Everlasting Nominee: Raiders of the Lost Clam to the Future Nominee: A video that will change your coffee Nominee: School of Monsters - Deadly Numbers Nominee: The Shoes of Lady Lescaire Nominee: Messages from another time Nominee: Family Splatters - Pilot Nominee: Ascension Chronicles Nominee: Three Black Ribbons Nominee: Grandmas & Ladybugs Nominee: The Big Bad Woods Nominee: The Skin I'm In Nominee: Sleeping Lemons Nominee: KillerKravings Nominee: Don't Touch! Nominee: The Maze Man Nominee: FEVER DREAM Nominee: Transferal Nominee: DIEABOLICAL Nominee: Hair Eater Nominee: Little z Nominee: Lullaby Nominee: Athame Nominee: Motel Nominee: 40uR Nominee: Vodi Best Writing Winner: Twin Winner: Break in Winner: Transferal Winner: The Butcher Winner: I'M DOWN HERE Winner: The Skin I'm In Nominee: Iguana Death in the American Suburbs Nominee: The Shoes of Lady Lescaire Nominee: Andrew Ginger/Likes Dogs Nominee: Family Splatters - Pilot Nominee: The Hand That Feeds You Nominee: A never ending battle Nominee: Three Black Ribbons Nominee: Into the Darkness Nominee: Dashboard Dogs Nominee: PSYCHO/LOGICAL Nominee: Wings On Fire Nominee: The Candidate Nominee: My Cherry Pie Nominee: Snuff Tapes Nominee: Little z Nominee: YAHRZEIT Nominee: Gungfly Nominee: Izzy Nominee: 40uR Nominee: Lisa Nominee: Vodi Most Disturbing Winner: Lullaby Winner: Snuff Tapes Winner: The Hand That Feeds You Winner: Andrew Ginger/Likes Dogs Nominee: FEVER DREAM Nominee: Her Own End |
Best Atmosphere Winner: BLUNDA Winner: Venandi Winner: Gungfly Winner: YAHRZEIT Winner: Transferal Winner: FEVER DREAM Winner: Woman of Your Dreams Nominee: The Tale of the Bone Collector Nominee: School of Monsters - Deadly Numbers Nominee: Case #3809 - The Eldritch Mortician Nominee: Have You Checked The Children? Nominee: The Shoes of Lady Lescaire Nominee: Death on Halloween Night Nominee: THE HOUSE THAT BLEEDS Nominee: Ascension Chronicles Nominee: The Witch's Bargain Nominee: What The Devil Said Nominee: Grandmas & Ladybugs Nominee: Into the Darkness Nominee: He Comes at Night Nominee: The Big Bad Woods Nominee: The Clown Statue Nominee: Alone + Together Nominee: The Skin I'm In Nominee: Don't Be Afraid Nominee: Villa Massacre Nominee: Wings On Fire Nominee: I'M DOWN HERE Nominee: The Candidate Nominee: Don't Touch! Nominee: The Maze Man Nominee: Safe Inside Nominee: Hair Eater Nominee: Dead Tired Nominee: Abducted Nominee: Familiar Nominee: Jumpcut Nominee: Display Nominee: Athame Nominee: Room Nominee: Drip Nominee: Twin Nominee: Lisa Nominee: Pill Nominee: Vodi Best Humor Winner: Family Splatters - Pilot Winner: Dying to Skate Winner: Dashboard Dogs Winner: Swamp Critter Winner: Little z Winner: Motel Winner: Vodi Nominee: School of Monsters - Deadly Numbers Nominee: Raiders of the Lost Clam to the Future Nominee: The Tale of the Bone Collector Nominee: My Cherry Pie Best Twist Winner: Vodi Winner: The Candidate Winner: Villa Massacre Winner: Elizabeth Carter Winner: The Shoes of Lady Lescaire Winner: The Tale of the Bone Collector Nominee: Three Black Ribbons Nominee: The Big Bad Woods Nominee: PSYCHO/LOGICAL Nominee: Party Crasher Nominee: Safe Inside Nominee: Break in Nominee: Athame |
Best Kill Winner: Lullaby Winner: Little z Winner: The Butcher Winner: Snuff Tapes Winner: Party Crasher Winner: My Cherry Pie Winner: Into the Darkness Winner: The Andy Baker Tape Nominee: Raiders of the Lost Clam to the Future Nominee: School of Monsters - Deadly Numbers Nominee: The Tale of the Bone Collector Nominee: The Shoes of Lady Lescaire Nominee: Grandmas & Ladybugs Nominee: Smile: The Series Nominee: The Lord's Ladies Nominee: Elizabeth Carter Nominee: Villa Massacre Nominee: Dying to Skate Nominee: The Maze Man Nominee: DIEABOLICAL Nominee: Izzy |
Best Gore Winner: The Lord's Ladies Winner: Into the Darkness Winner: My Cherry Pie Winner: Motel Winner: Izzy Nominee: The Hand That Feeds You Nominee: Elizabeth Carter Nominee: Snuff Tapes Nominee: Transferal Nominee: Little z Best Nudity Winner: Snuff Tapes Winner: FEVER DREAM Nominee: My Cherry Pie |
Best Scare Winner: Drip Winner: Pill Winner: Familiar Winner: Dead Tired Winner: Wild House Nominee: School of Monsters - Deadly Numbers Nominee: Woman of Your Dreams Nominee: The Witch's Bargain Nominee: What The Devil Said Nominee: He Comes at Night Nominee: Villa Massacre Nominee: I'M DOWN HERE Nominee: Abducted Nominee: YAHRZEIT Nominee: Venandi Nominee: BLUNDA Nominee: Twin Nominee: Lisa Nominee: Vodi |
Best Feature Script Winner: Morbidly Winner: CAPTIVE AUDIENCE Winner: New Moon 5280 - Season 1 Nominee: The Last Cigarette Nominee: Misfortune Cookies Nominee: Ascending Beyond Nominee: To Lie Beneath Nominee: Death's Curse Nominee: House Rules Nominee: Alone Kill Nominee: Mass Grave Nominee: Monster Con Nominee: The Birches Nominee: Vested |
Best Short Script Winner: Everyone Winner: The Familiar Winner: Gloomy Sunday Winner: Bassy Gets Loose Nominee: The Trait Nominee: Forgive Me Nominee: Television Nominee: THE JIGSAW Nominee: Meat Eater Nominee: NeverMind Episode 1 Nominee: The Vampire Love Club |